A Vision of Devolution

 A Vision of Devolution

The sun descends into the golden smoke on the horizon. It has gotten redder and redder now for years, and its age is nearing apocalypse. My train is a bolt of lightning racing alongside this aging bomb.

Oh sitarji, play your refrain of devolution.

No idea who will remain when its all over, but I am sure as a divine pillar of light that there will be music.

So sitarji, Pyari, bend the meend and let out your refrain of fearsome thunder. Oh tablaji, rumble as the sun reddens for the finale.

The air in my train is from Jerusalem, carrying the scent of dew and myrtle, all flying as a bolt of lightning into the East, down the mountains, all the way to India, and from there into the Final Sea.

The sitarji bends the refrain with all his might.

The message of devolution could not be clearer.

The finale is here, approaching the chakardar tihai with thundering drums.

From devolution to revolution to Peace.


Sitarji, Tablaji: sitar player and drummer

Meend: bending a note on sitar

Pyar: beloved

Chakardar Tihai: an elaborate finale sequence on Indian tabla drums

Inspiration here


