פזמונים: IDW and Anti-P.C. Songs and Hymns שירים לא תקינים פוליטית באנגלית


Inheriting Jordan

We all woke up one winter day when the hordes tried to cross Jordan,

We knew they were a Godless bunch, as atheist as Nordics,

But they were up against our saint and his cosmic order,

for Peterson was son of Nords, but they could not Trans Jordan.


Chorus: “For we will not inherit with them on the other side of Jordan!”


He stood his ground on holy soil, his wisdom struck them blind,

He popped their wicked empty heads with lightening from his mind.

They called for reinforcements to burn him at the stake,

But simple men stood up for truth and fought beside our saint.


He slayed that monster Kathy, and strung her up to hang,

His book that she wished to burn had hit her with a bang.

Hysterics are the feminists and all the commie rats,

The day of reckoning will come for vampires and bats.


Jordan’s our inheritance our Patreon saint,

A breath of truth in liar’s den, without him we’d all faint.

Jordan's near Jerusalem a lantern’s light away,

You will find peace saint Peterson, you’re on the King’s highway.




Calm Down

You learn Edward Said and you rant about the East

You fall hopelessly in love with a suicidal beast

You rally for Hamas and learn their battle cries

Until the day he gives you two black eyes.


You read some Judith Butler and decide you’re queer

You find a noble cause, a fetish to hold dear

You contemplate your life and death by suicide

You’re running from your demons, but just can’t seem to hide


Chorus:  Just calm down SJW / We really don’t want to be mad at you

We believe you really can grow up / only your professors are screwed up

Just calm down SJW / We really want to believe in you

Calm down and give up on the rage / wisdom will come to you with age


You may have failed wildly and broken all your dreams

You may feel lost and mad with zero self-esteem

But G-d Almighty loves you, that should be understood

He runs this here world and in essence it’s good




Please relax and think some, do yourselves no harm

Stop reading Foucault and all that funny farm

Real progress is simple, wholesome and intense

No 15 letter words, and it always makes sense


Don’t listen to no losers, don’t follow the herd

They’re Angels of Death spreading the absurd

You’re Granny wasn’t stupid, she fought with all her might

She was no college grad, but man, she had it right

She saw much more than you, the devil and his wrath

She knew good and evil, and chose the right path

Take critical studies and throw them down the drain

Listen to your Granny, and try to use your brain.




Farewell Paris  (to the tune of Farewell to Sicily)

Amzaleg is grinning Amzaleg is gay

He’s packing his bags and flying away

His wife and his children awaited the day

They’re all leaving Paris for Israel



Farewell Pari Marseille and all

Fare ye’well ye froggie and pond

Your best days are all behind you now

Too many Frenchman are sleazy

Farewell Pari Marseille and all

Fare ye’well ye froggie and pond

There’s no Jew who’ll miss the like of you

You’ll all make wonderful dhimmis


No La Monde and no Tariq Ramadan

No more La Penn or communist dogs

No La Monde and no Tariq Ramadan

They can all go the way of Atlantis


Netanya is stylish and safe for the Jews

The beaches are grand and the storefronts are new

No Arab thugs to attack me and you

Its more peaceful here than in Paris


The future’s here and not in Europe now

We have the youth and you’re growing old

The future’s here and not in Europe now

Socialist Europe is braindead





Ballad of James D’amore


James was a clever lad from Midwest / A brilliant mind one of our best

A pleasant, honest and lovely boy / He got a job with hi-tech toys

Money galore, perks and cakes / but he was in a pit of snakes



 James D’amore, martyr of reason / he stood up to liberal treason

Galileo, Bruno, D’amore / we won’t be silenced anymore!


They tried to force him to turn dumb / to bow to Moloch and succumb

But James chose to brave the dragon’s breath / heroic fight until the death

For G-od and country and rational truth / gender nonsense to uproot


May we all be courageous as James! / Call out all their dirty games.

Nothing is as pure as the truth / you’re the ones who are uncouth

Today you rule tyrannical nerds / but we will not become be your herds

Enjoy your day while it lasts / tomorrow’s ours, coming fast.







Some of us are believers, some of us are nones,

Some of us are eggheads, some of us like guns.

We all share a passion for unrelenting truth,

No holds are barred, no questions deemed uncouth.


We don’t take baloney from the NYT

Gender isn’t science as far as we can see.

We don’t believe the lies of Edward Said,

Go live in Cairo, man, and tell me whach’ya need.


Chorus: Welcome to the Dark Web, to the forbidden land.

Here you should ask questions, here you can contend.

Here you’ll be a real man with real women too,

There is one rule only and that is “Say the truth”.


Hey there Mr. Snowflake, what is your IQ?

Are you are visual like an Asian or verbal like a Jew?

If you come from Congo you might not be too bright,

But we love you anyway, with all of our might.




No blacks over at Google, and no women too,

No right wingers either, hey, what should they do?

Maybe build a safe space just to show they care,

Or take some Asians and put them on welfare.


We know you love to censor, you never did play fair

You’re also fond of purges, rarified pure air.

But truth will not surrender, it cannot be held back,

Truth is light of G-d himself coming through the cracks.


We will be victorious, that’s the way it ends,

We are the few, the chosen ones, the 7,000 men.

Who have not bowed to Baal or kissed up to his lies,

So now you’ve heard the battle cry, and it’s time to take sides.







Liberated by Truth Alone

We will not condone a lie dictated from above.

We will not bow to man for money or for love.

We’ve taken off our shackles from university,

We will not remain silent and forsake humanity.


Chorus: For Israel are my slaves, ever irreverence prone.

We shall not be sold as chattel; Liberated by truth/ G-d alone.


We will curse your dogma, call us haters, please.

We’ll stop when you debate us, take us seriously.

You’ve got to stop the lying; you’re reaching a dead end.

Read up on the science and pray to comprehend.


After you’ve learned wisdom, action is what counts.

Try to do your best, whatever it amounts.

Once you’ve tasted truth, then we can wish you well,

Live the azure of heaven; you’ve already lived in hell.


Oh G-d of Truth, show me your face, your smile a moment, that’s all.

I lust to view your strength, your faith, your power to triumph all.

May we merit your glory; have courage and reckoning,

Never at all to fear man, You are our only king.






Imagine – spoof

Imagine there are no liberals / it’s easy if you try / they’re in hell for abortion /

 none are in the sky. / Imagine all the people loving G-d today

Imagine no Islamists / It isn’t hard to do / no one to kill or die from / and their 

religion too / Imagine all the people living in peace you

 Chorus: You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one / I hope one day you’ll join us

 and the world will be as one.

Imagine no more commies / I wonder if you can / No need for gender studies 

a brotherhood of man / imagine all the people meriting their world you

Seaweed man

The dolphins play together, the tuna roam in packs /

The lobsters and their children cuddle in the cracks

The whales sing and pray, the sharks they have their creed /

But I’m completely rootless, I am just a weed.

No root, no brain, no anchor, not a string attached /

No mate, no home, no fortress, never an egg to hatch

I claim no territory, not a single rock or cave /

I live in perfect harmony drifting with the waves.


Chorus: Seaweed Man, Seaweed Man / drifting from India into Pakistan

From Turkey over into Greece / I am such a man of love and peace.

Not a principle to call my own / my only root is my iphone.


I’m more sophisticated than your average plant /

No brain no worries man, I live extravagant.

They all believe in roots that tie you to the ground /

But I am Mr. Global, and do I get around.

I’ve beached myself in Goa and surfed into Ceylon /

I’ve taken in some sun at the Isle of Naverone.

Everybody loves me, everyone craves weed,

No spine or identity or personality.


The only guys that hate me are those hungry Japs. /

They always try to kill me for their Sushi wraps.

Man, why must they do that? I’m a man of peace, /

Let them photosynthesize if they want to eat.

I am so enlightened, I never hurt a fly /

If the Japs can’t take it I would have them die /

I’m zenith of creation, a cosmopolitan /

I am a piece of seaweed, I spit at common man.






The Gadfather

He is the truth’s defender, he’s our Sallahuddin /

He’s Nasrallah and Jumblatt and all that’s in between.

He’s a warrior of truth, IDW big cheese /

Who’s the one who said there ain’t no honest Lebanese?

The Arabs can be friendly and very nasty too /

Sometimes you’re a Lebanese, sometimes you’re a Jew.

He ain’t apologizing, even if they’re mad /

They need some evolution as taught by Ustad Saad.


Chorus: It’s a crusade of reason by Kuffar Farangi /

נצרך מן אללה ופתחך קריב!

We love you Dr. Saad, you are our Falastin /

בדם באלברוח נפדיך יא חכים!


So how is your evolution, are you monkey or man? /

The greatest of all wonders, the cogs of G-d’s plan.

The feminists ain’t happy they really hate those men /

They’re becoming monkeys all over again.

And now they are monkeys, they can no longer speak

Zhe and Zher, Zog and Zogette, new pronouns every week /

But there is no need to worry, they are not screwed up /

All dissent is violence and they will lock you up.


He’s the Gad of markets and negotiating peace /

With him there is no bluffing, he knows the Middle East.

He knows Trudeau’s a dimwit running deficit /

He knows the Ayatollahs, and they’re a piece of sh**.

Foccault was just a sicko, PoMo’s just a plague, /

There comrades, we’ve said it all, no need to be vague. /

You must come to your senses, even if its pain /

I identify as normal so don’t you act insane.





Return of the Idols

Years ago in back in old times, we all used to be slaves

In faraway barbaric lands whose ways were so depraved.

They bowed down to idols and sacrificed their sons,

Openly promiscuous betraying all loved ones.

But the Lord Almighty with his outstretched hand,

Delivered us from slavery to the promised land.

A land of milk and honey, home of the free and brave,

He promised us the future if only we behave.


Chorus: We will break your idols, all shackles of the mind,

All the toilet policy from Obama’s behind.

All Obaminations of Anti-Semite Jews,

Academics, Hollywood, and most of the news.

We abhor your progress, it is a sinner’s lot,

We will always trigger you with everything we got.


But in our mighty nation, our earthy paradise,

Live some hardened sinner men who tempt us and entice,

They spread pagan values and play with our fate,

Their culture is of Canaanites everything G-d hates.

Like worshippers of Moloch they worship evil whims.

They too kill their babies and trade in their limbs.

Debauchery they practice on alter and on ramp,

The prostitutes of Hollywood are Goddess of their camp.


Today these bands of sinners have ideology,

They dare call it progress, we call it PC.

With this vicious weapon, this cancer of the heart

They wish to outlaw virtue, and tear truth apart.

To once again enslave us to their wicked plans

brainchildren of Soros, the scourge of G-d and man.

We have already been there, slaves in foreign lands,

Oh, Defender of Israel, save us from their hands.





Victory in Sweden

Up in Scandinavia live Vikings blond and tall

Conformist and harmonious like bricks in one big wall

Their works ethics are lovely, their sex ethics so crude

Conquer them Victoria, and teach them to be prude!

Chorus: Victoria, Victoria, rule Sweden just for me

Capture wicked Margaret and bring her to her knees

Victoria, Victoria, your morals so sublime

Your enemies are Godless Corbynated slime


You will teach them Bible, of Adam and of Eve

You will teach them logic, to inquire and believe

You will slaughter gender, you will force the facts

Liars will surrender and come under your axe.

You’ll cure their rising crime rate, you’ll set straight their youth

You’ll punish their teachers and make them tell the truth

You will tame the savage, you will teach them fear

Then they will treat ladies as people they hold dear


Nobody is hopeless, there is no damned race

As long as all degenerates are put in their place

Down with PC culture! Down those wicked fools!

Rule the waves Victoria, and they will learn the rules


